Marty Simpson, LMFT, CSAT, CPTT
PACT-2 Therapist
EMDR, Sensorimotor-2 and APSATS trained
Offering Microcurrent Neurofeedback
So what does all that alphabet soup after my name mean?
I'm a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) licensed by the state of California. I see males and females, addicts and "normies", partners of addicts, and couples in outpatient therapy. I run weekly groups for partners of sex addicts with a trauma model and personal empowerment approach. I also have a weekly group for women's intimacy and relationship problems (a compliment to SLAA). I am often called to teach or present locally and nationally about problematic sexual behavior and the path to living a life of sexual integrity. Getting licensed was just the beginning of my training as a therapist...
As a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT)
Sexual addiction is a complex affliction, but there is hope!
As a trained Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT®),
I have treated thousands of people struggling with sex addiction
and its destructive impacts on relationship, self-esteem and sexuality. I have had the honor of being personally taught by Patrick Carnes, PhD, Stefanie Carnes, PhD, Rob Weiss, LCSW, CSAT-S, among others.
I'm a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist (CPTT)
If you are a person who has recently made the discovery of your partner's infidelity, you are likely experiencing the effects of a traumatic stress disorder. I'm a trauma specialist, with concentrated work in the BETRAYAL TRAUMA and its impacts on the relationship. I work utilizing 5 different modalities of specialized trauma training to help you reconnect to yourself, weigh your choices, and move into a place of personal empowerment. I am acknowledged in Stefanie Carnes' workbook for partner of sex addicts called Facing Heartbreak, trained by Barbara Steffins in the APSATS model, by Stefanie Carnes, Kevin Skinner, Mari Lee, and Sheri Keffer in the IITAP certification, and I have presented internatinally at the The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) and the International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals Symposium on many occasions. I have several video online about Betrayal Trauma. You can find my presentation on Betrayal Trauma on my media and appearances page.
I'm a Daring Way® Facilitator CDWF
Much of my therapeutic work is influenced by Brené Brown,PhD,
author of Daring Greatly, The Gifts of Imperfection,
Rising Strong, and Braving the Wilderness. I have been
trained by Brené and others on her team to be a
Daring Way® Facilitator. Her work on vulnerability
and shame has greatly impacted my work with clients and
has led me to live a more wholehearted life.
I believe the we heal in secure relationships, so I love working with couples! I am a PACT-2 Therapist, with training from the Psychobiological Approach to Couple's Therapy (PACT) created by Stan Tatkin, PhD which combines attachment theory,
neurobiology, and affect regulation/nervous system arousal. I see many
couples in recovery following infidelity and sex addiction, helping them
rebuild trust, protect their relationship in public and in private, and create
deeper levels of intimacy as they learn to take excellent care of each other. Whether you are recovering from an infidelity or wanting to maintain a healthy relationship, the PACT work we do will help you create a secure-functioning relationship. This unique way of working has fundamentally changed the work I do with couples. Results happen quickly due to real-time practice in intimacy building skills we do in session. This is not just talk therapy and it's so much more than learning good communication skills!
My work with partners of sex addicts is based on the trauma model and my training in The Association of Partners of Sex Addicts Trauma Specialists (APSATS) created by Barbara Steffens, PhD, et al. Barbara's revolutionary book Your Sexually Addicted Spouse transformed the field of sex addiction treatment and the way specialists approached the treatment of partners. I am honored to know Barbara, having been trained and supervised by her personally and presented with her about Treatment for Partners of Sex Addicts at the 2014 National conference for The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH.)
Barbara Steffens, Marty Simpson, Stefanie Carnes and
Dan Drake presenting together on the treatment of partners of sex addicts at
The National Conference for The Society for the Advancement of Sexual
Health (SASH) October 2014.
I am fully trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing EMDR including Attachment-Focused EMDR taught by Laurel Parnell and all three phases of Brainspotting (a variation of EMDR) taught by Pie Frey, Cynthia Schwartzberg, and David Grand.
With 2 years (about 400 hours) of training in
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy,
the work of Pat Ogden, PhD., I have also assisted the training of
other students learning SP. This practice integrates
attachment theory with somatic (body) experience to help
clients process developmental, relational, and physical trauma.
Substantiated by neuropsychology and impelled by
mindfulness, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy harnesses the
innate wisdom of the body to liberate human potential.
I also use a variety of other trauma tools from
specialized trauma therapies such as EMDR-based resource tapping, Emotional Freedom Technique, Trauma Resiliency Model, DBT, Somatic Experiencing.
As an IASIS Certified Practitioner (ICP) I provide Microcurrent Neurofeedback (MCNFB), a completely passive form of NFb which has been shown to be helpful with Anxiety, PTSD, ADHD, Migraine, Menopause symptoms, Depression and emotional regulation.
I'm a graduate of the Master’s of Clinical Psychology program at Antioch University, Los Angeles, where I was trained in LGBT Affirmative Psychotherapy. I have a special interest in the relationship of Family of Origin, religious/cultural beliefs, trauma, with addiction and intimacy. I specialize in creating securely functioning relationships, improving couple’s communication, regulating affect, and nurturing a differentiated sense of Self all of which are key to developing healthy intimacy in relationship. I utilize mindfulness, EFT, CBT, Somatic body work, psycho-dynamic modalities (including Jungian and Voice Dialogue techniques,) and Non-Violent Communication and I work relationally, meaning I'm a real person in the room, and I believe in the healing power of the therapeutic relationship.
Sessions are currently being scheduled. You will see all my availability by clicking the button to schedule an appointment. If we haven't spoken already, please schedule a free 15 minute consultation with me to ensure that I can provide you with the support that you need.
*Please do not schedule an appointment unless you are a current client or have spoken to me first. Appointments scheduled without prior authorization will be cancelled. Please schedule a consultation instead by clicking the button above*